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By applying for a role, you help the filmmaker earn production credits even if you aren't selected for that role, and you earn production credits towards your future film.
Casting applications open for "Crew" role are from Feb 26, 2022 to Mar 07, 2022
Time left to apply: -24480 hours, 36 minutes
Compensation: no
Age Range: 0 - 100
Gender: male
Race(s), if listed:
Too late to apply
Male. Brother to Karen. Is tasked with cleaning up an attic. Must be okay with fake blood.
Casting applications open for "David" role are from Mar 01, 2022 to Mar 06, 2022
Time left to apply: -24504 hours, 36 minutes
Compensation: no
Age Range: 25 - 50
Gender: male
Race(s), if listed:
Karen, sister to David. Instructs David to clean out the attic. Must be okay with fake blood.
Casting applications open for "KAREN" role are from Mar 01, 2022 to Mar 06, 2022
Time left to apply: -24504 hours, 36 minutes
Compensation: no
Age Range: 25 - 50
Gender: female
Race(s), if listed:
Too late to apply
Bloody Woman, Haunts David. Must be okay getting fake blood dumped on you.
Casting applications open for "BLOODY WOMAN" role are from Mar 01, 2022 to Mar 06, 2022
Time left to apply: -24504 hours, 36 minutes
Compensation: no
Age Range: 25 - 50
Gender: female
Race(s), if listed:
Too late to apply